Naming Body Parts in German

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All right, time for a lesson in German body parts! Knowing how to refer to body parts in German is a crucial cornerstone of your vocabulary. After all, we human beings are quite literally our bodies! 

The Importance of Knowing Body Parts in German

Body parts will often come up naturally in many conversations, such as when you’re complimenting someone or when you’re working out in the gym.

But it’s also incredibly important for emergencies, such as if you ever (knock on wood) find yourself ill or injured in Germany. Knowing how to refer to different body parts in German can save your or someone else’s life! (That’s why we included organs too).

Plus, just like in English, it’s used in a lot of idioms as well. For example, the saying “At the tip of my tongue” is used in German as well: auf der Zunge liegen.

You might encounter such idioms in real life or in German language certification exams like the telc or the DTZ, which focus on practical applications of the language.

Different Body Parts in German

The good news is, like other words, some German words sound similar to English, such as Knie for knee or Nase for nose. 

Below, we’ve listed down a comprehensive list of German body parts (without going too medical). For organization, we also divided them into five categories: head, torso, arms, legs, and organs. 

We also included their plural forms for body parts commonly referred to in the plural. And since each German noun has a distinct gender (and you should memorize the gender of each noun you come across!), we also put the article used with it based on their gender.

The Head

German Body Parts Table
German English
der Kopf head
das Gesicht face
das Ohr / die Ohren ear/ears
das Auge / die Augen eye/eyes
die Nase nose
der Mund mouth
der Hals neck
der Zahn / die Zähne tooth/teeth
das Haar / die Haare hair
die Lippe / die Lippen lip/lips
die Stirn forehead
die Augenbrau / die Augenbrauen eyebrow/eyebrows
die Backe / die Backen cheek/cheeks
die Wimper / die Wimpern eyelash/eyelashes
die Zunge tongue
die Kiefer jaw
das Kinn chin

*Haar is a more formal and old-fashioned word; Haare is a more colloquial word.

The Torso

German Body Parts Table
der Körper body
der Oberkörper torso
der Rücken back
die Brust chest/breast
der Nippel / die Nippel nipple / nipples
die Brustwarze / die Brustwarzen* nipple / nipples
die Taille waist
der Bauch abdomen (general stomach/belly area)
der Bauchnabel belly button
die Flanke / die Flanken side/sides
die Hüfte / die Hüften hip/hips

*Brustwarze is the more formal word; Nippel has a more sexual connotation and can also be used to refer to anything protruding from a surface.

The Arms

German-English Body Parts Table
German English
der Arm / die Arme arm/arms
die Schulter / die Schultern shoulder/shoulders
die Aschel / die Ascheln armpit/armpits
die Hand / die Hände hand/hands
der Ellenbogen/Ellbogen
die Ellenbogen/Ellbogen*
der Finger / die Finger finger/fingers
der Fingerspitze / die Fingerspitzen fingertip/fingertips
der Fingernagel / die Fingernägel fingernail/fingernails
die Handfläche palm
der Fingerknöchel / die Fingerknöchel knuckle/knuckles
der Daumen / die Daumen thumb/thumbs
das Handgelenk wrist

*Ellbogen is a contraction of Ellenbogen. They can be used interchangeably. 

The Legs

German Body Parts Table
das Bein / die Beine leg/legs
der Fuß / die Füße foot/feet
der Hintern / die Hintern
der Po / die Pos
das Knie / die Knie knee/knees
die Wade calf
die Fessel / die Fesseln ankle/ankles
die Ferse / die Fersen
die Hacke / die Hacken*
der Oberschenkel / die Oberschenkel thigh/thighs
der Zeh / die Zehen toe/toes
der Zehennagel / die Zehennägel toenail/toenails
das Schienbein shin

*Hacke is more colloquial

Organs in German

Body Parts Table
die Haut skin
der Knochen / die Knochen bone/bones
das Herz heart
das Gehirn brain
die Lunge / die Lungen lung/lungs
die Leber liver
der Magen stomach (organ)
die Niere / die Nieren kidney/kidneys
die Gedärme intestines
die Genitalien / die Geschlechtsorgane genitals

Tips for Memorizing Body Parts in German

As with any vocabulary, simply use them as much as possible in conversation. Compliment a German person about their Haare or talk about working out your Biene in the gym.

And think to yourself in German about your body parts too. Instead of thinking “Why are my arms so itchy?” think to yourself “Warum jucken meine Arme?"

And as I’ve said before, whenever you encounter a new noun, always memorize its gender. It makes article usage so much easier for proper grammar. That’s why we included it in our list too!

All right, enough chatter - scroll back up and go memorize these body parts!

I'm the founder of Deutsch Gym. In the past I've worked in startups as a marketer and frontend developer and surfed a few waves along the way. I moved to Berlin from Ireland a few years ago and learned German - prompting the idea for Deutsch Gym.
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